Can You Wash Converse in the Washing Machine?

Washing your Converse sneakers in the washing machine is a great way to clean them and keep them looking brand new. However, it can be tricky to get just the right settings so that they don’t get damaged. If done incorrectly, you could end up ruining your shoes.

First off, make sure that all dirt and debris have been removed from the surface of your shoes before putting them into the washer. Use a soft brush or cloth to gently remove any excess dirt and grime from the outer surface of your Converse sneakers. This will ensure that only clean water comes into contact with your shoes during the washing process.

Next, check your washing machine’s manual for the correct settings for washing shoes. Depending on the type of material your Converse sneakers are made from, you may need to adjust the settings accordingly. You should also consider using a gentle cycle and cold water instead of hot in order to avoid damaging the fabric or stitching. If possible, put each shoe into its own laundry bag or pillowcase before placing them in the washer. This will help protect them from any damage that may occur during the washing process.

Pros and cons of washing Converse in a washing machine:

One major benefit of washing your Converse sneakers in the washing machine is that it allows for a deeper clean than hand-washing. The force of the washer will help to remove any dirt and debris that may be embedded deep into the fabric. Additionally, depending on the settings used, it can also help to get rid of any odors or bacteria that might have built up over time.

Can You Wash Converse in the Washing Machine

However, there are also some potential drawbacks to consider when washing your Converse sneakers in the washing machine. Washing machines tend to be more aggressive than manual methods, so they could potentially cause damage by stretching out material or weakening stitching. Additionally, leaving them inside a washer for too long could lead to discoloration or fading due to the abrasive nature of the water and detergent.

Overall, while washing Converse sneakers in the washing machine can be a great way to give them a thorough clean, it’s important to understand all of the potential risks involved. Before attempting this method, make sure that you read through your washer’s manual and use the correct settings for your type of shoe material. With just a little bit of preparation and care, you can keep your shoes looking like new for years to come!

Tips for keeping your Converse looking their best:


While washing your Converse sneakers in the washing machine can be an effective way to clean them, there are a few other tips you should keep in mind in order to keep them looking their best.

To start off with, it’s important to avoid wearing your shoes in wet or muddy conditions whenever possible. Doing so can cause dirt and debris to become embedded deep into the fabric, making it harder to remove later on. Additionally, make sure that you let your shoes dry completely before putting them away. This will ensure that any moisture is fully evaporated and help prevent mold or mildew from growing within the shoe material.

Finally, if your Converse sneakers get particularly dirty, consider spot cleaning as an alternative to throwing them in the washer. This method involves using a cleaning solution and a cloth to target and remove any dirt or stains from specific areas. Doing so will help keep your shoes looking great without having to worry about damaging them in the washing machine.

Can You Wash Converse in the Washing Machine

Alternate methods of cleaning your Converse  shoes:

If you are not comfortable with washing your Converse in the machine, there are other options available that can help keep your shoes looking their best.

One popular choice is hand washing. You’ll want to use a soft cloth and warm water to spot-clean any dirt or stains on your shoes. You should also avoid submerging them as too much moisture can damage the material of the shoe.

Another option is to take your Converse to a professional cleaner who specializes in cleaning shoes. These professionals have specialized equipment and techniques that can effectively remove dirt and stains without damaging the materials of your shoe.

Finally, you may consider using a foam cleaning solution specifically made for canvas shoes such as Converse.


Q1: Different materials used in Converse shoes?

A: Converse shoes typically come in four different materials: canvas, leather, suede, and synthetics. Knowing the material of your shoes is essential to understanding how best to clean them.

Q2: What temperature is to wash Converse in the washing machine?

A: When washing your Converse sneakers in the washing machine, it’s important to use the lowest possible temperature setting available on your machine. Generally speaking, a cold wash is best for most materials.

Q3: Can you put converse in the dryer?

A: No, you should not put your Converse shoes in the dryer. The heat of a dryer can cause significant damage to the material of your shoes. Instead, air-dry them at room temperature.

Q4: How to wash Converse?

A: The best way to wash Converse sneakers is to use a washing machine. Before doing so, it’s important to read through your washer’s manual and select the correct settings for your type of shoe material.

Q5: How to clean white Converse?

A: To clean your white Converse safely, use a small brush or an old toothbrush to scrub away any excess dirt or debris from the outsoles and upper material. Next, mix warm water with a mild detergent and submerge your shoes in the mixture for up to 30 minutes. Afterward, rinse them off thoroughly with cold water before placing them in the washing machine on a delicate cycle with mild detergent. It’s best not to put your shoes in the dryer, as this could cause them to shrink or become misshapen. Instead, air dry them by laying them flat on a towel and allowing them to air dry for several hours. Once fully dry, you can apply a water-repellent spray to help keep your Converse clean longer.

Q6: What Kind of Detergent Should You Use When Washing Your Converse?

A: When washing your Converse shoes in the washing machine, it’s important to use a mild detergent. Avoid using harsh chemicals or bleach as these can damage the materials of your shoes. Additionally, look for detergents that are free of dyes and fragrances as these can cause discoloration. It’s also best to avoid using fabric softener on your sneakers as this can reduce their breathability. If you’re spot cleaning by hand, try using a diluted solution of white vinegar and water to help remove stains without damaging the material of your shoe.


Washing Converse sneakers in the washing machine can be an effective way to keep them looking like new for years to come. However, it’s important to understand all of the potential risks involved as well as how best to prepare and care for your shoes before attempting this method. Additionally, there are alternative cleaning methods available for those who do not feel comfortable with machine-washing their shoes. With the right care and attention, your Converse sneakers can look great no matter how often you wear them.

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